Friday, August 27, 2010

Bath time Social Story

I made this social story for one of the children I see.  Please download and use if you like.  It is meant to be printed out on one sheet of paper and folded in half.  I suggest using thicker paper like card stock.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is this still a FREE country?

I have learned so much over the past two years about vaccines and immunity.  It is so aggravating when you hear false information being spread by the drive-by media.  They water down complex issues to a 15 second sound bite.  If you have young children, or you are thinking about having children in the near future, you NEED to educate yourself on this subject.  I am not saying I have all the answers, but I am a logical, intelligent person.  By exposing myself to a variety of information, I have come to my own conclusions about this subject.  I am not going to ram my opinions down your throat.  I AM going to link to alternative information that may make you start thinking in a different way.

This journey all started when I opened up my own office, and I started talking to a lot of parents about their children with developmental delays.  I kept hearing over and over again that they believed that vaccines had a role.  Because of this, I felt compelled to find out all I could about the subject.  I thank God that there is the internet where information can be gotten so easily.  You do need to take opinion with a grain of salt, but after you hear the same information from multiple, unrelated sources you start to make your own conclusions.

I strongly recommend you check out this video which gives you another perspective on the vaccine information touted in the media.  I will leave the conclusions up to you because I believe in the intelligence and common sense of the average person.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Psychiatric disorders linked to the immune system.

This is some ground breaking new research which links an immune response to psychiatric disorders.  This is very encouraging, and it goes along with my feeling that we are very antiquated with diagnosing neuropsychologic disorders by behavioral means.  There are a few cutting edge scientists that are looking to more precise diagnostic imaging and treatments.  I am very encouraged that this kind of investigation is going on.  I believe this will lead to some very important treatments soon.

The article can be found here:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Parent Survival Guide to Biomedical Interventions

Thank you so much Autism One for making this invaluable information available free on the web.  It is because of organizations like this and DAN! that I have learned so much about the medial issues that go along with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

You can find this video at Autism One's website: CLICK HERE